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Don't Spam Editors (part 4!)

Dan and Derrick's Prayer to the Troops
Chicago, Mar 4, 2008 -
In Dan and Derrick's Prayer to the Troops author Monalisa Okhilua develops a plot that makes children aware of the sacrifices our soldiers and their families make for all of us.
The greatest gift you can ever give to children is the ability to read a powerful book that will inspire them. With what is going on in our world today, we do not want to wait and see how it would affect our children. Their mind set should be protected, every word in this book will empower our children positively, and the mystery in these stories is magically fantastic.
The children of military parents only ask two questions, where is my mom or dad? and when is he/she coming home? The answer is in this story book. The puzzle has been solved. Yes, its okay to cry, its okay to miss someone we love so dearly, its even better to be in control and understand.
It's good to be sensitive in matters like these, there are so many questions our children would like to ask." states Okhilua. "Expect to smile, laugh, cry and become uplifted. This is for the love of our troops."
About the book:
Dan and Derrick's Prayer to the Troops by Monalisa Okhilua
ISBN: 978-1432707538
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Date of publish: Oct 2007
Pages: 36
S.R.P.: $16.95
About the author: Monalisa Okhilua is an activity aide, wielding the written craft to enrapture the mind much like an artist wields a brush. She is a mother of two boys, Dan and Derrick, and a loving wife, she loves to cook, she really loves to write, that is her biggest passion, she loves to reach people with her story, to tell them, it's okay. the task. Dan and Derrick's Prayer to the Troops is the first in a series of recent pursuits, with work progressing quickly on the follow-up.
Interesting they are both from the same press. Wonder if it is part of the 'marketing package' they offer.
Relieved to see you back alive and posting, EA! I was afraid we’d done you in with the pitching contest. Cheers!
Don't ask, don't tell ...urh, I mean show don't tell. Talk about killing a million dollar plot. War is such an eventful subject, and this pitch nearly put me to sleep. As a former Canadian Infantry Soldier and Norwich University (Corps of Cadets) alumn, I'd like to say that if I were overseas, I'd like my children to be comforted by knowing what a heroic job I was doing. This seems a little touchy feely, and about as bland as an MRE, except this ration seems to be missing the mini bottle of Tobassco.
And if this is a part of a promtional package, couldn't they at least hire someone who knows how to write a proper query? Second thought, it sinks in the slush much better this way. Kind of like a pair of cement sneakers, really.
Well... I found it on Amazon and if I wasn't already squirming at the thought of a picture book about war (featuring the authors son's) the cover clenched it for me. Not only is it the typical stick figure art but there is even GOD up in the clouds, looking down on the authors boys.
I just know there is gonna be a stick figure mom baking an apple pie somewhere on the interiors!
I wish you hadn't posted this one, it's really bugging me and I'm not sure why I'm so bothered by it. Is it that it scares me that some people will actually purchase this thing and read it to innocent children?
I really should be the last person to comment on poor grammar and spelling (since my little dyslexic self can single handedly butcher the English language) but MAN, someone who professes to be a writer is this bad???
The whole query is word upon word that goes all over the place, saying one thing, then contradicting it in the next line.
"There are only two questions our children have"... "our children have so many questions" etc, etc, etc, I want to scream!!!!
I'm just glad it's you and not me, I couldn't take this for more then a day!!!:)
Is this the book that Bush was reading to those school children on Sept 11th? If so, I can understand his confusion between Iraq and Afgahnistan.
Magically Fantastic? Isn't that how they describe Lucky Charms cereal?
Thank you Christine for the details --I skipped to comments right from that cover illustration...there was more?
The amazonians seem to dig it, it's good for "youngsters" and all that.
Just how old are Dan and Derrick? In the cover art they look around 30. Do they know their mother wrote this namesake book? Are they mortified? Why are they holding hands?
So many questions.
These books are great! They may actually save book stores across the world. It sure makes me wary of ordering books from Amazon.
Oh, not this one! Every time I click on the children's / YA discussion forums on Amazon, someone who I presume to be the author of Dan and Derrick is always trying to hock this book. A parent asks for YA fantasy recommendations? Why, have you heard about Dan and Derrick's Prayer To The Troops? It's getting great reviews. A 16-year-old wants some suggestions for YA romance? Hey, how about a didactic picture book called Dan and Derrick's Prayer To The Troops?!
The cartoony "God" watching over Dan and Derrick kinda creeps me out.
Right. Interesting about those 'great reviews' on these self-published titles. Amazing how they're all glowing 5 stars raves without even a single, friendly criticism.
I know POP authors are strapped for ways to market their book, but at least make it appear more realistic.
Oh wow, these are so entertaining!
The amazonians seem to dig it, it's good for "youngsters" and all that.
HAHA, I know, even the author entered a glowing review of the book, without trying to hide her identity! I image the others are friends and relatives begged to write something.
Somehow, My Mommy is Beautiful doesn't seem half as bad anymore!!
I believe Lucky Charms is magically delicious.
If you google the author, you will find that he actually is a notable former athlete. That tells me this ms must be really awful if a real publisher wouldn't touch it.
That's God watching the two kids? Seems more like the wolf watching Little Red Riding Hood to me. And the title is almost lost in the illustration.
OH! That's GOD in the clouds?
I thought it was Zeus.
God help us all.
I do understand one thing, i was glad i read this book, what goes around comes around, i applaud the author, i don't gossip or put people down. I love the story period. For those with negative comments, shame on you.
Really sad that someone will sit and write terrible reviews on authors work, anyway, old story, oprah was acused of being lesbian with her best friend gail, bush was being humiliated as a president, Jennifer lopez was being tag as a whole, etc, and so what? i trully love this authors story and i can relate to it,as long as its towards our troops, exspecially good messages like this story, i love it all. Good job monalisa, and thank you so much.
a. People are allowed to express their opinions. Good and bad.
b. Regardless of how you feel about the quality of this book, I feel strongly that Monalisa is hurting her book's chances by employing a "marketing" plan that spams people in the children's book industry. And spamming is inconsiderate and selfish. So yes, what goes around comes around.
i don't gossip or put people down. I love the story period. For those with negative comments, shame on you.
Annon 9:08, you just did ("shame on you") You put us down. This is not gossip, this is critique of a very poorly (yes, just my opinion) illustrated book, with a very badly written synopsis/query.
Anon 10:35, I'd love to respond but I don't understand a word you have said here....
>anyway, old story, oprah was acused of being lesbian with her best friend gail, bush was being humiliated as a president, Jennifer lopez was being tag as a whole, etc, and so what? i trully love this authors story and i can relate to it,as long as its towards our troops,<
If the writing inside is so great, I'd like to know how the author didn't catch that she was paying for a fraudulent service? I'd take one look at this write up and freak. I don't think it takes a brilliant writer to realise that the book has been put on the chopping block by poor representation. And, I think that is what most people are lamb basting here ... a crap service.
I read this story, frankly speaking, loved it, yes a little typo errors that should have been corrected by the publishers rep, good little reviews is strongly advised that's all. But this story trully empowered me. Be nice everyone, read this story, you'll get it.
good little reviews is strongly advised that's all. But this story trully empowered me.
OK, this is the second time I have read "trully" and, though I have dislexia, I don't think I would have made this mistake twice.
I don't understand the type o reference, as there was no publisher but once again, I don't understand much of what was said in this last message.
If it is so great, than attach your name to your comment. If 5 people (not related to the author) could "trully" say something good about it, I'll gladly review it on my blog.
Mommy C, and this has nothing to do with our topic but...:) Thank you SO much!!! After your last post I had to check out your review blog of which you spoke and WHO did I find there??? ME:)
That is so nice of you, not often do the illustrators of kids books get singled out, usually it is all about the author and this was so gratiousl of you.
(to tell you the truth, the publisher didn't like the "baggy mom" and were a little concerned about my making her too obviously of colour. They didn't think I should have the dog in every pic as there was no mention of a pet in the story but... hey, I control the pen/brush, right:)
Thank you again (and to everyone else, I appologize for this moment of selfishness:)
Christine, (this also has nothing to do with the topic at hand)
Thanks for checking out my blog review. I feel honoured. Frankly, I do not understand PB reviews that don't mention the illustrator. It is after all a "picture" book. And, as we have seen with this heated discussion, the illustrations do count.
For everyone else, please, check out "Penelope and the Humungous Burp". The pairing of catchy text with illustrations that transcend the norm, is brilliant. If you're looking for a terrific example of what illustration can do for a book, here it is- a biracial family with a saggy mom (just like the average mom), and a whole host of characters that genuinely reflect society. The text is cute- the book is groundbreaking.
And just so you know, I am affiliated with neither the author, the illustrator, nor Lobster Press, in anyway (lol).
Oh, and one last thing. Christine, I didn't see an email for you in your profile so, hopefully you catch the comment here. Would you be interested in doing an interview for the Sanctuary? We love quirky illustrators just as much as quirky authors.
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