Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Read This

Dear Fellow Editor,
I love you.


Anonymous said...

URL isn't working.

Editorial Anonymous said...

Sorry. Fixed it.

Anonymous said...

Read the whole article. Memorized the last sentence. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

It's so good to peer inside the window. And how many editors are also authors and/or talented writers. The last sentence is great, I agree! And: "Every editor I know puts in more hours than they are paid for because they love reading and they love writing." Super!

Anonymous said...

EA, I have a question. Suppose I have a meeting with my editor, and he expresses admiration of my agent, saying "You're in good hands."

Should I take this to mean

(a) My agent is a patsy, which pleases my editor, since they're on opposite sides;

(b) My editor is hoping I'll repeat the compliment to my agent;

(c) My editor is a polite person;


(d) I'm in good hands?

Welshcake said...

Excellent article. Especially the last paragraph. Thanks for posting it, EA.

Kidlitjunkie said...

nw, I’m not EA, but my take on that is that (d), you are actually in good hands. We editor-type people really, really like it when you author-type people have good agents. Good agents are good for you and good for us. They are good for everybody. And we editors usually don’t have any evil ulterior motives. If I made that sort of statement to an author, it would really be completely innocuous and I would intend it to mean that I was quite pleased that you were with Agent X, who is both very professional, a pleasure to work with, and has a reputation for treating her clients well. Or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, kidlitjunkie!

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