
more kittens.

and for Michael, who asked for more nudity:

naked kittens.
This blog is basking in the support and interesting suggestions from the previous post.
Particularly interesting is a couple suggestions that I might try blogging while drunk (with alcohol, one supposes, rather than the drunk-with-righteous-indignation that you're all quite used to by now). Since the line between drunk and asleep is almost non-existent for me, that's less likely to happen. I shall, however, take those suggestions as meaning the writers wouldn't mind having a drink with me. The feeling is mutual.
LOVE the kittens!
The basket of kittens looks like my house several years ago when two cats had a kindle of kittens at the same time -- and shared feeding responsibility. We had to build a box large enough for the two mamas and 11 kittens.
Sorry. Off topic. But I couldn't resist. -wendieO
Oh my god, those kittens are so cute.
Actually, I thought the naked kittens were the cutest of all, in an alien-esque sort of way. Is it too weird to want one of those?
Miaou! We cats do not feel comfortable sans fur! It is unnatural!
Purrhaps you could write a little about the sort of fur which pleases editors? Presumably this clean, neat, well groomed and in order even in the otherwise invisible places?
Too cute! Though the naked kittens were a shock ...
Naked kitties! They look so...cold.
Oh, those kittens are so precious (yes, even the naked ones)! I couldn't think of anything to say yesterday because I like everything you post. So, just keep up the good work.
Yay for nudity! ROFL!
The naked kitties' ears look like radar dishes, giant naked pink radar dishes.
I wonder if they make fun of each other or it they wear they're nakedness like a badge of honor.
"Sup? Cool look."
Ha! Didn't expect to see kittens on this blog.. thought I selected Cute Overload by mistake. Love it, though.
Oh my God - kittens! Love them all even the naked ones. Actually their quizzical faces and huge ears are more like my fully clothed Burmeses then the tabby and gingers ones are.
I love those kittens, especially the furry ones. I'm sitting here grinning at the middle picture in an inane way. Thanks for putting a smile on my face on a dreary Sunday afternoon.
I love the kittens. So does my old Cat Clancy who is watching me read blogs.
Thanks for sharing.
Kittens - yes!
And as far as the naked ones - an entrepreneurial opportunity?
Kitten couture, perhaps?
Eeeeee kittens!
I couldn't think of anything to add to the previous post, but I wanted to toss in my thanks for this blog and all the advice therein :)
Love it! Though I'm wondering what Michael thinks of the 'nudity'?
Love the naked kittens.
Word Verification: aplat - my own invented word for "burping cloth" when I was one year old. The fates brought me to your blog today.
Hey, what about bunnies? Bunnies are even awesomer. :)
I second whomever said that the posts in which you answer questions are wonderful because they're often questions that we didn't even know we had...and thank you also for giving equal time to posts for unpublished AND published authors.
A. Awww!
B. Awwww!
C. Gack! Alien invasion!
I appreciate the tasteful nudity.
Nearly revealed is so much more fascinating than revealed, don't you think?
I like stories of crazy/funny/strange things you've seen in publishing, done by authers, agents, fellow editors, etc. I also enjoy commentary on current publishing issues.
I wouldn't have gone looking for kitten pictures, because I wouldn't have guessed how happy the widduh biddeh kittiez would make me.
So cute.
Thanks for the blog, the purr-boxes and the double take. ae
all your publishing information is excellent. but please continue with the kittens! Has anyone else noticed the high percentage of writers who are also cat owners? Or am I imagining it?
I love reading your blog, but kittens make anything even better.
Okay, so there I am sending my Children's Book Publishing 101 class to the best introduction to children's book publishing there is. EA is professional and she tells it like it is...
Kittens! Really I love the kittens! I love the naked kittens! Thank you for the perfect moment. Back to class. Lisa Von Drasek
The only way this post could be any better --
a giant basketful of 3 month old corgi pups.
But thanks for listening to our wishes! We might get uppity if this happens too often.
Really hilarious. Thank you.
AWWWWWWW! INTERN loves kitten photography exhibit as curated by Moonrat!
I got to pet a naked cat at a cat show. It felt like stroking suede.
Kittens and nudity and cool publishing advice. No, it can't get any better. I mostly lurk here, but faithfully read whatever you serve up. For this year, more of the same, please and thank you!
They're all cute until they start writing slush.
Reminds me of one of my favorite webcomic panels:
My kitten is currently sleeping under my propped up leg. She was a feral rescue and is happy to be in a warm home sleeping on a bed with plenty of food to eat.
I love me some kittens. (Not so sure about the naked ones though.) And I did promise my wife we would not become the crazy cat ladies.
I'm no writer, but this post is an excellent example of why I started following this blog. (Still laughing)
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. no problem no life, no matter did not learn, so enjoy it :)
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