Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Sigh of Relief

Dear Faithful Readers,
Thank you for sticking with me over the last week and a half as Blogs of Note (which featured me recently) drove thousands of new faithful readers, new idiots, and new flagrant spammers to this site. Today this blog is no longer on Blogs of Note, and most of the tide of pointless links, aimless comments and political gibberish in the comments will, I think, recede.

Thank goodness.


Stephanie J. Blake said...

I was thinking you were going to go dark and leave us to our own devices.


Jean Wogaman said...

It appears that having a blog of note is a mixed blessing. No doubt you will have picked up a number of new readers who are genuinely interested in the information you offer and can contribute intelligently to dialogue in the comments. I suppose they make it worth having to skim through all the nonsense comments for a while.

Does sifting through this past week's comments bear any resemblance to reading slush?

Anonymous said...

Hip, hip, hooray for EA!!

Thank you, thank you! I was about to request the services of Killer Yapp to nip at the mind-boggling, manuscript-less masses!

Please know that, for the faithful, you have long been and will always be a Blog of Note.

OK, now that we know that we are saved, let's all have a good laugh at that commenter who was trying to sell us handbags ...

Mrs. Olsen said...

I am part of the harvest from "Blogs of Note", and won't be chaff to sift in the wind. Sorry about the spammers and thanks for your insight.

Unknown said...

I'm here because of the blogs of note as well. I might be manuscriptless but I'm certainly not planning on staying that way for long.

Mommy C said...

Ahh, shucks! It isn't everyday that a gal can get the low down from an editor, find a handbag, and hear about McCain/Obama, all in one place.

Actually, I don't use a handbag, and I'm a Canuck, so I guess the really importnant part is left- our beloved EA.

I am so relieved you are not fading away into cyber space like the ever cherished Miss Snark.

Liza said...

Blog of Notes is a weird mixed bag, but I think for those new faithful readers they were lucky to find you on that list.

I think I found you through Nathan's blog and I'm glad I did. How many candid responses can we get from publishers now a days? :D

Debbie Barr said...

Wow! Uh, congrats. I guess. Expect for the spammy comments and all. BTW, even though I never comment, I am a faithful stalker. I mean reader. Totally meant reader.

Anonymous said...

I think the next person who drops by to advertise should be signed up to receive email notifications from all my favorite catalogue sites – about forty all together.


Great post on Sunday, btw. I took the quiz twice and got two different results. Add bipolar to my list of attributes. Sweet.

Tamaryn Tobian said...

If not for blogs of note I would have never found you, but I love what I've read and I'll be one of those new faithfuls you spoke of.

Congrats for your accomplishments!

Lucy said...

Wow! I am sorry to hear you were having such a problem because of the Blog of Note nod but it is how I found you too. I never comment, I just read. I am not a writer, I just find your blog interesting. Glad you are continuing with your blogging.

Jennifer said...

I am happy to say that I, too, found you through Blogs of Note and could not be happier! Spammers aside, I hope traffic to your site is now simply people who are interested in your input, and new faithful readers thanks to Blogs of Note!

Miriam Forster said...

Just curious, how many people tried to query you, despite your emphasis on "anonymous"?

When you said idiots and spammers, that's the first thing I thought of. Besides trolls, of course.

I'm glad you have a little peace now.

Sarah Laurenson said...

Thought you might like to know...

I decided to play with the new Follow feature of blogger and found out you have over 200 followers.

A lot more than comment here for sure.

Jaquanda Rae said...

I've decided to take issue with this post since I invited you to check out my blog. I see it was a wrong move in your eyes. I'd almost apologize for the "pointless link" I inadvertently sent you.

But I'll do you a favour. I'll stop being a follower so you'll have one less comment of praise to read.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, give her a break, Jaquanda. Obviously she was talking about links that had nothing to do with writing.

If anything, EA is way too patient with the clueless and incompetent. That interview on the "new writers blog" was truly excruciating.

Anonymous said...

I should add, too, that if you pick any random five blog entries here (before the Blog of Notes thing), the comments sections include very few "comments of praise" that also do not include substantive, thoughtful additions to the discussion. By that, I mean that there is rarely a string of 26 comments that say nothing but "Brilliant!" and "Great post!" and "Thank you!"

You'll also see that EA provides no one with a personal critique unless the blog sponsors a contest. You'll also see that no one asks for one.

I'd strongly suggest that anyone new not only read some archived entries but check out their comments. I think it will help you see why there was some frustration.

I don't think that anyone's saying stay away; those of us who have been here a while and actively write and illustrate (whether newbie or oldie) just appreciate a high level of discussion.

Consider, too, that this is the ONLY blog online that offers this kind of incredibly helpful and supportive advice and "conversation" to children's writers and illustrators and you'll see why we are a little protective.

Anonymous said...

But don't you want to know how to lose weight, quit smoking, buy a handbag, get rich quick in the prok bellies market, and write a famous best seller all at the same time?

Don't steal my idea.

I know you're thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Well it sort of gives the faithful followers an inside glimpse at what editors go through regularly and the types of clueless people they encounter, only in blog comment form. Annoying and time-consuming, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Well put, Anon 10:02. It indeed has been the blog equivalent of opening a manuscript envelope stuffed with pink glitter.

Editorial Anonymous said...


I'm sorry about your link. I got many comments from people suggesting I or my readers visit their blogs.

Some of these suggestions were truly innocent, as I'm sure yours was. Others were inconsiderate acts of self-promotion. I couldn't delete some of them without deleting them all, in fairness.


Sarah Laurenson said...

Let's see - Takes what EA does personally. Um, check. Has a very thin skin. Check. Moody. Check.

Sounds like an author after my own heart. ;-)

Jon O said...

Like many, Blogs of Note is how I stumbled on yours, EA. However, I generally ignore Blogs of Note! Since yours regarded writing and publishing, etc., I was interested. Beyond that, it is your own fault for writing humorous yet practical posts that you are now more popular. (Cripes, be sure to add some ads to it, make an extra buck or two. No?)

I must admit now, I am glad I decided to not send a tongue-in-cheek comment many days ago about a specific work-related post; it likely would have been lost between the handbags salesperson and the links to God-knows-what.

Glad your trash folder will be getting smaller now.

CJ Omololu said...

Honestly, as a long-time EA reader I didn't even notice because I stopped reading the comments (except for today of course). That's the best way to get the goods without the garbage.

Deirdre Mundy said...

I was just confused about all the non-substantive comments like
"right on!"
"good job!"
"I write good bookz!"

Do some people just make it their goal to post a comment on every noted blog?

Anyway, it will be nice to be spam free.... At least until I need to know how to contact the widow of the king of Nigeria in regards to my bank account number!

Kopy Pig said...

Congratulations on your new followers and the size of your relief ;)

TallGirlsAdventures said...

I'm happy I found you, thanks to blogs of note. Good blog you've got here.

Wyman Stewart said...

Let's see, I think I found a blog of note, which had a link to your blog. However I found it, it is nice to hear what an editor has to say, what advice a novice short story writer can gain from what is said here, and when intelligent comments are made one can sponge that up too. As I type this I can't recall for certain, but I think you also offer some interesting links too. Kind of like going out my front door to find someone has left a treasure trove on my doorstep. Thank you for your kind, devoted, generous efforts. I, for one, need someone like you to refer to. Do you know if there is a Spammer hunting season? I think a lot of us would enjoy bagging a few of those and mounting their heads in our dens--if only I had one; den, that is.

Ebony McKenna. said...

I like coming here, because the advice you give is good and useful.

John Cowart said...

But I enjoy pointless, aimless gibberish! I could not write without it.

moitinhdau136 said...


Anonymous said...

An interesting insight into the world of the editor, but I've removed my link to you. Good luck. From a wannabee

Anonymous said...

Well, John, then you're in luck, because from the looks of Miss Moitinhdau136's contribution above, looks like you're still going to get it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:05, I'm certain that EA would love to be the first children's editor to publish a transgendered author. Either that or there's something she's not telling us. Check out the "hi......" author.

Anonymous said...

I was making no comment about the photo (although I do find the fact that many of the new people have little photos weird). I am sure that the first transgendered author is already out there and, really, I don't care. My point is that people are posting stupid things (and should stop).

Anon 3:05

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