I'm way behind on my Bookninja reading. So:
First of all, this link. Awesome. How much does airfare to Australia cost?...
Also, You know what's more lexically elite than using deckle-fetish in a sentence?
Yeah, it's complaining that others aren't using it correctly.
The furor over labeling UK books with age ranges continues... Listen, when Phillip Pullman (and quite a few other authors) says Don't Do That, what idiot doesn't listen?
Finally, perhaps not all of you are reading the NY Times. In which case, click here:

If this isn't simply a sign that you should all be reading Bookninja, I don't know what is. Go on, then.
Ugh, the UK age-range thing, can you believe it? Children's Books Ireland hosted an evening with/for YA writers last month, and this asininity came up. We're thinking that many parents won't buy books 'older' than their children, for fear of Nasty Thoughts, while the children won't buy anything 'younger' than they are, because when you're 14, 13-year-olds are babies.
Thanks for those links, btw, splendid!
Maybe The Red Tree production will come to the US.
Shaun is a phenomenal artist and his work is getting quite a bit of attention here (in the states). Like many works that started out in let's say England (in this case Oz) it is just a matter of time (and $$$) if it is well received. And I'll bet it will be. It seems like a universal enough offering. Maybe it will find a place at the Met.
Oh, I had a good laugh over the Times quiz.
My fellow Australian boss/friend just emailed me to say she's going to the Shaun Tan concert...
I'm envious too! I've watched his career over the years and at the time my publisher wanted him to illustrate a picture book of mine.. but guess what: he was a little busy... working on The Arrival, but aren't we glad he did!
I love how the colors in this illustration complement the row of books in the border above. Basically, it is the same color scheme.
Late to the party: I saw this and it was very good. The soaring voices and the way they moved around the paintings - it was like falling into the book.
I say many thanks to the father of the website admin I read this, because at this website I know a lot of information information that I did not know before his
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