From Jimmer:
This slush has two cups of coffee, wears glasses, and isn't in a very good mood. In fact I don't think this is slush at all. Looks more like an editor.
From Eric Hammond:
Voila, the not-terribly-rancorous monster I mentioned before.
Another editor. I wish I had those fangs.
I'm no closer to a decision, but I'm loving this!
Eric, from a design point of view, yours is exquisite. You should do a whole book like that. Or something more than one picture.
LOVE the positive/negative thing happening with Eric's contribution!
Thank you both!
I write & illustrate picture books... well, I try, anyway.
and thanks, EA, for posting... I had fun doing it.
Eric Hammond
I say many thanks to the father of the website admin I read this, because at this website I know a lot of information information that I did not know before his
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