Sunday, July 8, 2007

Slush and Punishment: How to Wite with a Wisp

Pwincess Wosamund was inconsowabwe. She had wost her wast name. No queen of the magicaw wand of faiwies had evew been cwowned without a wast name, and the cowonation was on Sunday. She wouwd have to find hewsewf a new wast name vewy, vewy soon.
I’d suggest ‘Shit-Fow-Bwains’ …but maybe that’s taken.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't understand any of these posts...If you have a kitchen full of paper that reads like this, why, oh why, would you ever bother to read a single one?

  3. Maybe becuz they secwetwee weelwe wuv it.

  4. Oh, come on. You're making this up.



  5. My daughter spilled a glass of water on my son's laptop, and the only permanent injury is that his "r" key doesn't work. He's too lazy to take it to the apple store to get it fixed, so he has resorted to using "w" in the place of "r" in all of his writing -- even his gaming forums.

    This is a true story.

    However, he's not the author of that manuscript.

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