Friday, July 11, 2008

Out of Office

Through Monday, I am not here.
I am over HERE, answering questions.


  1. Oooooh, The Institute. I teach there and loved my time there when I went for training. Hope yours is wonderful.

  2. I teach there too. What a great location to visit - close to NYC!

    I loved my training time there too even though it left my brains leaking from my ears.

  3. Actually, I meant I'm on their discussion boards as a Guest. :)


  4. Looks so beautiful! I never heard of this place until now (am I allowed to admit that?)

    On my over now...

  5. Have a great time, we look forward to hearing about your adventures when you return!

  6. It does look like a beautiful setting, maybe next time it will be for a night or two.

  7. You know, up until this post I never realized that they had an actual, physical INSTITUTE....

    I thought it was just a pretty sketch on the solicitations they send me, and the whole thing was really run out of someone's apartment somewhere.....

    -anonymous because I'm embarrassed...

  8. That building is for administration and teacher training - no writing classes held there that I know of.

  9. I posted a pic of me on my blog, so if you're at the SCBWI conference in LA, please find me and I'll get you drunk and we'll sign contracts together. Okay?

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