Wednesday, March 5, 2008

All My Favorite People Are Smart Asses

101 Reasons to Stop Writing, which I've been enjoying for their monthly demotivators, has an interview with Lynn Viehl (who writes for adults, but nobody's perfect).

Sean Lindsay (the man behind the blog) is crusading to get more people to give up writing. Not to give away the ending, but Lynn doesn't do anything to further that cause. Still, everyone who's seen a slush pile appreciates your work, Sean. Here's hoping you keep up the good work, and Lynn keeps kicking ass so hard she needs new shoes.

A sample demotivator:


  1. HA, wonderful reading. Also loved the "screenwriters strike" article, very, very funny!

  2. I just finished reading "Dark Need" literally three hours ago. It's my first vampire book.
    Didn't think I would like it, but I'm trying to sample all genres. I absolutely loved it!! It's a great beach read. Or rainy afternoon. Or whenever....

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm going over...

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