Friday, February 15, 2008

Why Are These Posts So Damn Short?

It's suddenly occurred to me that some of you may not be visiting The Longstockings, as unlikely as that seems. So you may not have realized that I sort of frittered away my blogging time this week on answering their interview questions. Evidently I was verbose enough to warrant three installments, which is embarrassing. And evidently I am, in fact, Teen Wolf. Or Lisa Graff. (Two possibilities I had not previously been aware of.) Good to know.


  1. Thanks for the link! Quite funny about having you in 3 installments.


  2. I especially liked your hint about secondary characters and their back stories...

    Now I'm going back through my WIP and making sure that everyone has one!

    (Even if it's just: the janitor- has a family at home, likes going to classic car shows on the weekend...)

  3. Not visiting the Longstockings??? Preposterous! It's a great blog... like eight children's lit blogs in one (how many Longstockings are there anyway? I always forget)

  4. EA, I had long suspected that you were in fact me. I'm glad it's finally been confirmed. :)

  5. Thanks. I hadn't known about Longstockings, and it's wonderful. It's also sent me to other blogs I'm quite enjoying.

  6. Good stuff. I thought you were Evil Editor's twin sister, only nicer and better looking.

  7. Hm. Maybe you are Evil Editor's alter ego. I mean, I've never seen you both in the same place at the same time.

  8. Actually I've always found it suspicious that we've never seen EA and Miss Snark in the same place.

  9. Hahaaha!

    But EE doesn't know what a picture book is. Or a chapter book. He thinks a chapter book is a book that only has one chapter (great idea for making money though). Unless that was a clever trick...

  10. the only reason you got 3 installments was because I wanted to keep people coming back for me! to tantalize them, you might say!

    thanks again for visiting with us. we heart EA!

  11. Thanks for the well thought out responses. I don't even write children's fiction and I still picked up good tips for when I decided to submit my own books.

    And you look excellent in fur. ;)

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