Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Query 1: Do Not Include Gifts Better Than Your Query

Dear Manuscript submissions reader: Enclosed is my 5555 word picturebook ms. I have included some samples of my sisters' scribblings that Iassure you will sparkle up the words emensely to your satisfaction. Mychildren all love this story and keep asking when it will be a realbook. I even had my cat walk over the pages to insure successs. (I'vebeen told that is lucky.)

Sincerely yours, Hopeful Writer

p.s. enclosed is Godiva chocolate and a coupon to a nearby pizza place run by my pal Patrick.

Dear Author,
We read your submission with interest. We found its variety in tone appetizing and the overall texture very palatable, but upon further consideration felt it was perhaps not as weighty as it might have been. If you’d like to resubmit, may we suggest the 36-piece assortment?


  1. You have no idea how proud and pleased I was to have you choose my 'worst query,' complete with actual quotes from my children (who are still wondering when some of my first writing attempts will be published), as the first one to display.

    However, it did take me some minutes to realize that you chose to criticize my meager offering of chocolate, rather than the query.

    Thanks for the laugh.

    -writer with 13 published books

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